😼 leave my rocks alone 💎

👿 a fifteen + pound critter pounced on one of my rock boxes (  https://washekoda.blog/2021/10/08/display-box-%f0%9f%9b%a0/)          at 2AM (ℂ𝕣𝕒𝕤𝕙)


I got that mess sorted 😉

𝕋𝕙𝕖𝕟 at 2PM during my nap I awaken to what I thought was was ‘rolling thunder’ ⚡️

It was a Polished agate, missed during the ‘pick up’, being used as a hockey puck  by Emmy Lou  😸

Third stage of (pre polish) silicon carbide, waiting for fourth stage of (polish) aluminum oxide … Lapis Lazuli

💎A lapidary rock (wet) saw costs $ 500 – $6,000 chuckies 💰

So I purchased an eight dollar ‘Cold Chisel’ that will work just fine for me  ⚒

⚠️ Wear safety glasses (place a rag over rock)

I have to run my stones for 3 days with ‘GemFoam’ and water to get them shinny, as recommend by National Geographic ❗️


I am adding ceramic ‘filler pellets’ media next tumble

ceramic pellets

The final stage will be 3 to 5 days using ‘GemFoam’ media which should shine them rocks up 👌


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