Homemade Barometer

I have been using one of these for years. Calibrate by placing a marker
dot for a stormy day then another for a nice day. these will be the
reference points. From then on I can tell rise or fall of the air


The straw is taped to glad wrap secured to top of the can.


I finally got something a  little more accurate with numbers too 🙂


My Homemade Kite Collection

In 1986, while living in Park City, Utah, my father gave me 100 yards of assorted Rip-Stop Sail Cloth. I had just finished refurbishing a 1950’s Singer, acquired while ‘dumpster diving’, so I became a Kite Maker. (If Nature gives ya lemons ya make lemon-aide right❕ Homemade Eight foot Box Delta.


Compound Box Kite ~Eight foot nose to tail with 4 ft wing spans. I call it my ‘Dragon Kite’

Decoration Day 2017 (22)

Ole Glory

Tie Down Stake


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