Just something about being born on the shortest day of the year 🎂 (nocturnal)

1954 Summer time with Momma up at the lake in northern Minnesota ( that is a biffy {outhouse} in the background) on the hammock at  18 months old ( can you tell I like it ) I haven’t been on one ever since.


My birthday cake got ruined after puffing on the abuteral inhaler, in preparation, those 70 candles all melted and turned the cake to wax   ❗️

Minneapolis / St Paul TV celebrity Late 50’s,60’s & early70’s 📺

Electric Scooter 🛴

My doctor said I need more exercise whilst I quit smoking 2+ yrs ago and gained 30#’s. I have all but quit eating and have almost quit beer and have leveled off at 200 lbs. I parked my bicycle, that exercise is not conducive to my knee deterioration (30 yrs ago they called it ‘premature’)  and I loose my breath after a ½ block. Sooo❗️

Electric Scooter {15-18 MPH for 12-15 miles}
Thumbs ➡️ Speed (right) ‘E’ brake (left) auto ‘gentle brake’ when releasing the throttle’

I ride up to the ‘discount grocer’ (with a back pack) 3 or 4 times a week now and go through every aisle using the shopping cart for a walker for exercise’ instead of walking up there three blocks every other month with my 2 wheel pull cart ❗️

Folded down so I can take it on the Johnson City. Tennessee Bus 😉 27 pounds

I have safety equipment  ❗️ {helmet, knee pads. elbow pads, gloves, {nut cup} not shown 😉

Please don’t expect this old man to post a ‘go pro’ selfy shot 😜

String Ball ❗️

150 yards of string. Takes a lot less space than a whole spool!

Grandma taught me this 60+ years ago from the wrap string from the markets boxes (before they had paper bags) {now they got plastic bags}

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