Emmy Lou’s Spring Toy Thingy 😸

Gives her that bouncy feeling 😼

Other then the blurry screen shots no points were deducted by the judges for this floor routine  10 10 10 10 10 🥇 (Gold) 🇺🇸 ‘Sardine Leap with a twist’ 😉


First Graphic Interchange Format (GIF) I have made from that many single frames from a video ❗️

😸 Toys

When Washe was little he liked swatting a mouse around.

Hockey Goalie 🏒😸

Little Emmy prefers the ‘springs’ 😉

Emmy & Washe

Emmy and the lazer light




Washes mouse, Catnip Dweller, Pom-Pom stuffed inside a dingle ball😸

Now Washe is older He prefers using the mouse to stream the outdoor wildlife channel

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